Check here each one of the expertise of our firm, which counts on a multidisciplinary team of specialists to protect your business!

The copyright aims to protect intellectual creations with aesthetic value, manifested by any means or support, provided they are original. There is no exhaustive list of protectable works, but typical examples are music, photography, sculpture, painting, drawing, cinematographic works, architectural projects, software, among others.
The law assigns two distinct rights to authors:
>>Patrimonial rights, related to the economic use of the work;
>>Moral rights, related to the defense of the personality of its creator (claiming authorship, indicating the name as author of the work, preserving the integrity of the project, repudiation of authorship in case of non-consented alteration, etc.).
The right arises with the authorial creation itself, regardless of any formality, such as registration. It is possible, however, to formally register the work with institutions such as the National Library Foundation, the School of Music, the National School of Fine Arts, the National Institute of Industrial Property (BPTO), depending on the nature of the work.
In addition to taking the necessary precautions to prove authorship, authors should also try to formalize in writing the negotiations involving copyright, using the appropriate instruments to establish the outline of the business, whether a license to use, the creation of a commissioned work, or even the total or partial assignment of rights, in order to avoid future controversies.
A preventive work can minimize problems arising from any contractual dispute, or even facilitate the defense of rights in case of usurpation of the work by third parties, avoiding, for example, long debates regarding the authorship of intellectual works.
We act in all fronts to ensure the effective protection of our clients' copyrights, assisting them in the most varied tasks, among which we highlight:
Delineation of protection strategies;
Registration request, follow-up and maintenance of prosecutions in Brazil and abroad;
Defense of intellectual works against unauthorized exploitation by third parties;
Assistance in the negotiation of copyrights;
Elaboration of policies within companies.